
Yivi’s website makes use of cookies. Cookies are small files or blocks of data, which are saved on your computer, smartphone or tablet PC when you visit The cookies that we use enable us to analyse the way visitors browse our site, so that we can improve it. The data that we collect with cookies cannot be traced back to individual users. The various cookies that we use are listed below. Information about how to disallow cookies is also provided.

What cookies does Yivi use?

Cookie name What does the cookie do? Lifespan of the cookie on your device
Load balancer cookie Records which web server you used when visiting the website, so that you can be connected to the same server next time. Connecting to the same server enables the site to be presented more quickly and means that your settings can be retained. For the length of your browser session. The cookie is deleted when you close your browser.
Web application Firewall Protects web applications by monitoring and filtering traffic.
rbzid and rbxsessionid Is used to perform a challenge - ie see if the user is a valid user Exists during your session and will be removed after session is closed.
PiwikPro Gathers anonymous/ aggregated information about where you go and what you do on the site. Persistent
YouTube For opening the video via YouTube in frame

Disallowing cookies

You can stop our website from saving cookies on your device if you wish. To do so, open the ‘Settings’ menu in your browser and then follow the instructions for removing cookies (Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera). NB: if you use more than one browser, you will need to disallow cookies in each browser separately.